The evening lamps of the Nineteenth Century were nearing a close when God inspired two men to start a religious endeavor in the North Newport News community. Worshiping under a bush shelter, the Reverend Brother John Banks and the Reverend Brother Cary Banks, believed that God had inspired them to preach the gospel as lay preachers. The impact of this spiritual interest of themselves and the people of the community was manifested to the extent that in the year 1900, Emmanuel Baptist Church was established in a small one room structure to the right of the current church. Prior to this time, many members of this small North Newport community, traveled by horse or walked to First Church Newport News, in the East End of the city for worship.
Emmanuel Baptist Church has had a colorful, inspirational, and diverse history. Through the good times and the challenging times, God has granted Emmanuel grace to minister to the community, evangelizing and disciplining, and teaching God’s Word, for many years. Many saints have labored in the vineyard during these years, and God’s vision for the church continues to unfold as the church strives to live out its commitment to the body of faith locally and on a global basis. The church recognizes that there is much work yet to be done. Empowered by the Holy Spirit the church will live out its vision.
The vision of Emmanuel Baptist Church is to influence the world for the cause of Christ, one person at a time. We shall promulgate the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through developing relationships, promoting fellowship, and ensuring discipleship.